Thursday, 13 September 2007 "The Profound Logic" |
Another new event has come under the banner of Sibelius & Beyond.
The latest 'Inner Circle Seminar' in London's Regent's Park focuses on
Sibelius' meeting with Mahler in Helsinki, 1907, in celebration of the
100th anniversary of that discussion and the 50th anniversary of
Sibelius' death.
Alessandra Comini, Sarah Menin, Anthony Stadlen and Antti Vihinen conduct "The Profound Logic" - Symphony and Psychotherapy - Sibelius & Mahler: Helsinki 1907
said they had discussed the great questions of music with "life and
death" intensity. Sibelius said that he had praised the symphony for
"the profound logic that creates an inner connection between all the
motives", but that Mahler had said: "No! The symphony must be like the
world. It must embrace everything. The link between the revolution in
music in the first decade of the twentieth century and psychoanalysis
is well known. Mahler consulted Freud in 1910, and Freud said he had
never met anyone who understood psychoanalysis so quickly. Sibelius was
also well informed on these developments, and called his fourth a
"psychological" symphony.
Sibelius's and Mahler's notions of symphony truly contradictory? Is
authentic psychotherapy a kind of symphony, that reveals both a
person's being-in-the-world and the profound logic that connects all
its motives?
23 September 2007; 10am - 5pm Room F, Acland Building, Regent's
College, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London NW1Cost: Students £88,
others £110 in advance. Some bursaries, no refunds unless seminar
cancelled. Contact: Anthony Stadlen, 'Oakleigh', 2A Alexandra Avenue,
London N22 7XE; 020 8888 6857,
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